Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > reconciliation of opposites > Page 3


a return to peace ~ the reconciliation of opposites

Page 3

The heavens proclaim the glory of the Eternal,
and the sky displays His artwork.
Daily, they speak;
nightly, they reveal knowledge.
There is no speech, no words,
where their voice goes unheard.
Their voice has spread over all Earth,
and their words to the ends of the world.
In the sky, the Eternal pitched a tent for the Sun.
The Sun is like a bridegroom coming out of his bridal chamber.
The Sun is like a strong man rejoicing to run his course.
The Sun rises at one end of the heavens
and travels to the other end.
All receive the Sun's heat.

*Psalm 19.1-6

* * *

Said a devotee to the Sage, "You seem to walk in peace, not having any struggle with anyone. How's that?" "The Way doesn't struggle. I walk in peace, for I'm not at peace with anyone, rather I'm at peace." "Yet," inquired the devotee, "how does this influence your relationships?" "I don't try to have a relationship with anyone. Relationships are as they are, and they come and go as they come and go; in not struggling, relating arises from many factors one doesn't need to know and can't know." "Then, do you feel close to everyone?" asked the devotee. "In the Way, some persons you'll be close to, some not. Yet, this closeness is not a feeling close, but a closeness; the feeling of closeness arises, at times, sometimes it doesn't. The Way decides all this, not you."

* * *

A spiritual path entails reconciliation of opposites, so the tension of opposition. The world, the outside, and self, the inside, unite, even as subjects and objects become one subjectivity. This unity is the wholly communion I refer to, the pure being of Consciousness, innocence. The reconciliation heals the opposition, creating harmony. If the self tries to reconcile the external to itself, the opposition is intensified - self and world, rather than self-world, or inner-outer, for opposition entails resistance. Neither self nor world can affect the harmony, the first innocence. But how this reconciliation? The Whole of which self and world are, this is the arena of reconciliation, not the parts: inner or outer, absolute or relative, subject or object, person or thing, seen or unseen, . . . Life Itself, the Whole, resolves all oppositions, and this is inherent in the Christian metaphor of a new heaven and new earth. All longing for peace among us and any paradise, on Earth or elsewhere, is a longing for reconciliation. Hence, the self needs Grace.

A seeker asked the Sage, "What's Grace?" "I can't say." "Then, how shall I know it?" asked the seeker. "You know rain when a drop falls on your nose."

* * *

So, Jesus was immersed in the water. As soon as he came up out of the water, the sky opened. He saw the Spirit-of-Life coming down like a dove on him.

*Matthew 3.16


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > reconciliation of opposites > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2024